Free Code Editor for Coder & Web Development

Top Free Code Editor for Windows and Mac Pc.

This blog about free code editors, which is very helpful for developers as well as coders. They all are free and easy to use for both uses web development and application development. These code editors are performing all platfrom mac, linux and window perfectly.

Let’s Discuss free Code Editors


One of the best code editor Atom I used for development websites. Atom a desktop application built for using web technologies. Its fully supported and customizable for HTML, CSS, PHP & JavaScript and other programming languages.  Its supported GitHub, you directly work Atom code editor to GitHub packages. Create new branches, commit, stage, merge, push & pull all these think you do with this code editor. GitHub packages already bundled with Atom Code editor. I put below the download link for Atom Code Editor

Free Code Editor

Benefits of Using Atom Code Editor

  1. Open Source Code Editor
  2. Built Package Manager – Search and Install new packages and create right from the atom.
  3. Platform Support Windows, Mac & Linux
  4. Multiple code selection with Cursor
  5. Quick and Highly Extendable
  6. Support Multiple Panes – multiple panes to compare and edit code from files
  7. Best File and Folder System Browser
  8. Good and Fast  project-wide search and replace
  9. Good File System Browser
  10. Code Folding
  11. Flexible Autocomplete



Brackets code editor one of the best code editor which I use for develop website & applications. It’s lightweight, powerful and modern code editor. It provides live preview, preprocessor support for using scss & sass, inline editors and other use full feature which they provide. Brackets open-source code editor and free for use its firstly focus on web designing and web development.  Brackets currently maintained by GitHub and other open-source developers.

Free Code Editor

Benefits of using Brackets Code Editor

  1. Open Source and Free Code Editor
  2.  Provide Inline Editors
  3. Coding Live Preview on Browser
  4.  Provide Preprocessor Support for SCSS & SASS
  5. Lightweight and Powerfull code or text editor
  6. Provide Git Integration
  7. W3C Validation



Like Atom and Brackets, NetBeans also open-source code editor for developing with Java, PHP, C++, and other computer programming languages. Its Support all platform like Mac, Windows & Linux.

Open Source Code Editor

Benefits of using NetBeans Code Editor

  1. Open Source and Free Code Editor
  2. Good project management
  3. Fast Code editing
  4. Provide User interface development
  5. Write Bug-Free code
  6. Cross-Platform Support
  7. Provide Best Plugin Support


Notepad++ is a free open source code editor. Coder or web developer used it without any payments. It running MS Window environment and governed by GPL License.

Based on the scintilla component, its written C++ and pure Win32 and STL for higher execution and smaller size.

Notepad++ consume very low power and also for small size using less CPU power.

Feature and Benefits Notepad++

Benefits of using Notepad++ Code Editor

  1. Notepad++ open multiple files in a single window. 
  2. Its open-source free software for code editor. 
  3. It has a feature that also creates cross-platform plain text files. 
  4. It’s successfully running in MS Window Environment. 

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