Webp is an image format which contains data format that both lossless and compression. Using this image format developer can create smaller & compresssed image which makes website faster. That format are 26% smaller then actual image size either its JPG or PNG and any other image type format.
Webp format support image transparency like PNG and provides 3 times smaller file size.
MyFreeOnlineTools WebP Convert tool uses smart image convert techniques for png, jpg and jpeg images and converts images to WebP format online with easy steps.
Upload your file into drop area and click to convert the file into webp format. The file or image will convert instant and you can download the webp image format as soon as it converts by a simple click on the download button.
Webp an amazing useful format because its offers performance, features both. Its different with other images format supported both lossy and lossless compression also with transparency (PNG) or animated(GIF)
Webp also provide smaller file size than PNG, JPG or JPEG. This format uses compression but the files still are large. By use webp image format it will use less bandwidth and load faster with improve website speed and performance.
WebP format compression uses base64 coding to encode an image, the same method used by the VP8 video code to compress keyframes in videos. Base64 codes uses the values in near blocks of pixels to predict the values in a block and then encodes only the difference.
WebP includes the lightweight encoding and decoding library libwebp and the command line tools cwebp and webp for converting images to and from the WebP format, as well as tools for viewing, muxing and animating WebP images.
Webp improve site performance can easily create optimized webp alternatives of their images and its browsers that support WebP.
WebP Lossy Support
WebP lossy, lossless & alpha support
WebP Animation support
Using a WebP image in HTML is like using any other kind of image, right? Just slap that sucker into the img tag's src attribute and away you go!
If developer wants to serve Webp images to client that should display properly on browser. There are servetel techniques for detecting Webp support both client and server side.
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HTML5 support picture element, which allow multiple images in require order, such that client will request first candidate image that it can display properly.
If you have to convert png & jpg format you can use WebP Image Format
Dimensions of a WebP image is 16383 x 16383.
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