Why should not use WordPress for your Busines Website

Why do need a WordPress Website for Small Business


High Maintenace

WordPress Websites require regular maintenance like PHP Version Updates, Theme Updates, Plug-in updates and etc.

Update Plugin and Themes

Sometimes updating the theme or plug-in in WordPress websites the other plug-in or website functionality will work stop the require to update too. If you updating the WordPress theme in new version or plug-in is older so it will work stop.

Security Issue

Hackers can easily hack the WP websites, it increases the security risks.

File Management System:

You need proper technical training about accessing WordPress website the file structure of WordPress website is too much complicated with having good technical programming knowledge you cannot modify hard code in WordPress theme or Plugin.

Slow Performance:

WordPress clearly the CMS with the slowest performance. Firstly when loading the WordPress website first load the full code of CMS then load the entirely website so its given slow performance.

Page Speed :

In WordPress website, PHP and Database need more time for execute.

Plug-in Credibility :

In every WP theme we using Plugin. Its save time and money both for the development of same but some time but the problem starting here you do not know about what code its written behind this plugin if some hacker put code and get all credentials of our website so website can hacked easily.

Unlimited Logins:

WordPress website allow to unlimited login attempts by user. It’s dangerous for security because its result little bug can latch on your website. Its mean these try can overload your server from the force attack.

Use Cases

If your site requires no updates, regular changes, or any additional content, HTML is a better choice as it will make your website perform faster.



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