Below is the code for fetch a particular CPT with created category/ Taxonomies with PHP WP_Query function.
Gravity Form Submission with Zoho Lead Integration Or Form Data push to Zoho CRM
Gravity form predefined function gform_after_submission is executed at the end of form submission process when user submit the form.Gravity form gform_after_submission function contact entry object parameter contains all submitted values […]
Send Object data and variable data with FormData objects using Ajax-requests in jQuery
Send additional parameter as object and variable with form data with ajax using jQuery. JavaScript / Ajax Code FormData object is an iterable structure that resembles an array and contains […]
Code Implement JavaScript Async/Await
Implement JavaScript Async/Await Async keyword before a function return a promise and await keyword used inside async function. Await pause the execution and wait fo promise response result. async function […]
JavaScript Try Catch Throw error handling when using API fetch promise
Handling of JavaScript Try Catch Throw errors while utilizing the API fetch promise JavaScript Promise Fetch API with error handling of try catch and throw. Below I explain with code, […]
Fetch all H1 and H2 text and push into an array
[av_codeblock wrapper_element=” wrapper_element_attributes=” codeblock_type=” av_uid=’av-lczzquub’ custom_class=”] Get all H1 and H2 heading content and text push to array var headingOne = []; var headingTwo = []; var bothHeading = []; […]
use JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() in JavaScript
How to use JSON.parse() and JSON.stringfy() in JavaScript JSON.parse() Its convert JSON String to JavaScript Object. Its help to convert text into JavaScript Object. Use of this method convert JSON […]
Create a Unique ID by JavaScript Function and Store into Variable
Create Unique ID by JavaScript There are different way to generate Unique ID or unique identifier number in JS. Its very useful and use in may cases rendering […]
MySql query for fetch/ retrieve category data in WordPress with image thumbnail
MySql query for fetch WP post_id, post_title, post_date & name with using thumbnail for a particular WordPress category. WordPress also provides some methods for retrieving post data with thumbnails but […]
how to remove increase and decrease number arrow when use input type number in form
Remove arrow when using input number. Facing problem with increase and decrease number arrow when using input type number in form or Ajax request fields. Use Below CSS Code input[type=”number”]::-webkit-outer-spin-button, […]